Last week we started working with the second and last module for this semester. Due to the covid-19 pandemic our group members are staying home, and for the rest of the semester we will only be collaborating online. Luckily, we’ve got several high tech applications at hand to simplify this, and we especially appreciate the features on google docs. Although, we were a bit unhappy in the first module with the sound quality in the skype meetings, and have now experienced Zoom to be a whole lot better.
Before the class meeting discussing this module, we were informed that BA, due to the consequences of covid-19, had to end their collaboration with us. We were sorry to hear that, as we were excited to develop something to help their climate news communication. Anyway, the solution to this was a new partner; Scary Weather. The people behind Scary Weather have created installations to communicate climate information, and work with helping several companies in telling exciting climate stories. As Scary Weather was quite unfamiliar for us, we got to view the reports and eye-tracking videos from the groups who had been collaborating with Scary Weather from the start. This way we’ve got more insights and a better prerequisite for the task of this module.

Our first task was to deliver three pitches for possible projects to explore this module, due Wednesday April 8th. We started with a collective brainstorming and sketched two ideas each. Furthermore, we voted for the three most promising ideas to base the pitches on.
After the easter holiday we will start off developing one of the pitches. In the last zoom-meeting we had as a group, we discussed how we should collaborate after the holiday, based on our experience these past weeks. We found that in order to get a good collaboration we have to plan our meetings in good time and organize our work and individual tasks properly. We are excited about this new, unfamiliar form of working together, and hope to create something that will communicate climate stories in an exciting way.