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Group 3 Final Blog Post: How to Prepare for Climate Catastrophe

Writer's picture: Andy OpelAndy Opel

Hello! We have now finally submitted our endpaper and our finished prototype. It has been a challenge to do the whole project without even meeting once, because of the corona situation, but in the end it worked out quite well. The course has been a good experience and we have learned a lot. It has been a mix between zoom lectures, workshops with the teachers and group work. 

We have made a prototype of a storytelling article that has implemented a preparedness calculator. When we started we had a clear vision on how we wanted it to work, and we are pleased to say that the end product was quite similar to our expectations. First we made a storyboard that included all the sequences of the prototype we were about to make. Because we used a good amount of time on the storyboard the prototyping process became easier because we had a clear vision of what we wanted to make. Then we started to make the prototype in Adobe XD. It was time consuming work, mostly because we used zoom, facebook and google docs to communicate. Altho it was a lot of work, it was fun and very educational to make a prototype for a client. 

In our project we decided to focus on the consequences of climate change and how we can be prepared for a crisis. The goal of our prototype is to help the user to have a better emergency preparedness kit, and to be ready if a crisis would occur. We hope that the prototype will show people why at home preparedness is important, and encourage to take action to be more prepared themselves. 

The prototype is made for NRK, and we hope that it will be useful for them right now and for a long time. Preparedness is an issue that will  always be relevant because there will be new threats and possible emergencies. We hope that our calculator will be a good supplement in a lot of articles about different crisis and climate consequences, but it does also work well on it’s own. We have made it easy for the user to share their result and the calculator itself. The goal is that by sharing the calculator it will spread the word about at home preparedness and it would be a more common known topic. We hope that our prototype in the long run will help the norwegian population to have better at home preparedness. 

We have learned a lot in this project,  about at home preparedness but also prototyping and all that comes with it. It’s been a great experience and we have managed to work well together despite not meeting in person. The teachers has been great and very engaged in our project. We hope for future versions of this class that the teachers can cooperate better so that the feedback from the different teachers are not so contradictory. This can be very confusing for the students and it is hard to know which teacher to take the advice from. On the other hand we are really thankful for all the feedback and help we’ve been given along the way. 

We hope you all have a great summer!

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