Our group have been working with the media client BA (Bergensavisen) in this module. We haven't had much contact with them through the project, other than the first meeting we had with them. In that meeting we got to know what BA wanted out of the cooperation. This insight we used to choose the target group, and which articles we wanted to evaluate. Since then we have worked on our own and haven't had any contact with BA . Hopefully they can use some of the insight we got from the evaluation, to improve their climate journalism.
Good climate journalism that communicate well with the readers is very important. The perception we have after this evaluation is that there is a big gap between what the readers think is important, when it comes to climate communication, to what the journalists produces. From our research it seems like BA doesn't prioritise their time to make good news articles about climate change, especially when it comes to visual communication. We think that it is important that the media in Norway really take their time to understand their readers, so that the climate journalism can be received better than it does today.
The end of this module has been challenging, mostly because of the situation the world is in. It’s been hectic recruiting all the informants, conducting the interviews and the eye-tracking tests. Some informants had to cancel because of the covid-19 situation, and we ended up having 9 interviews instead of 10. It was also challenging writing the final report without being able to meet each other in person, but with the help of online tools we finally made it. Despite this, the first module has also been very exciting and educational. We have gained insight into how our target group reads climate news, what engages them and how the company's climate journalism can be improved. In addition we have also gained knowledge about how to use eye-tracking and stress bracelet equipments, and analyzing the data.
We believe that the class so far has been good. It has been a good mix between lectures and working in our groups. The lectures have been interesting and relevant for the course. It has been a lot of work but we’ve been given a good amount of time to work in our groups with the exam, and all the work leading up to it. When it comes to the next exam we hope that the teachers can cooperate better so that the feedback we get from the different teachers are not so contradictory. This was very confusing to us, especially when there was just a couple of days before the due date for the exam. On the other hand we are really thankful for all the feedback and help we’ve been given along the way.