Last Monday we had our first lecture after Easter break where Lars talked about storyboarding. This will be our fourth semester with developing prototypes, so we all thought we knew how to put together a storyboard. But after talking to Fahmy we understood that this storyboard was supposed to be sort of a "pitch", and not just a storyboard for ourselves.

So we started to make a high quality storyboard to present our idea in a much more understandable way, and also showed our pitch to Ronald at Scary Weather. We got a lot of good feedback from Ronald, and he pitched a couple of really good ideas that we are going to implement in our prototype later on. We've also gotten very positive feedback from the lecturers, which makes us even more motivated to work on this project. The group is working very well together since we all have great ideas on how we want this prototype to look and function, and share the same visions about the end result.

After getting notes on our storyboards we started to make our first prototype. We decided to make everything in Figma so that collaborating would be easier, which has worked very well. We've already implemented the basic functions and the group is making really good progress with the prototype. There were some bickering about colors, icons and shapes in the beginning but we decided to make everything very basic just for now and then test it on our parents to see how intuitive our buttons and functions are.
/Kristin Eidsheim, Live Aadneram Enevoldsen, Tommy Kojen, Camilla Bakke Hermansen, Marie Presthus